What do you get when you combine Sanguisugabogg’s Devin Swank, Napalm Death’s Mitch Harris, Broken Hope’s Jeremy Wagner and Mike Miczek, and Tyler William Affinito? You get Earthburner.
Earthburner originally dropped one EP in 2012 and now they’re back with a brand new lineup and new music coming soon! At least according to Swank, and yes – we’re stoked.
“Can’t wait to show you what we’re cooking up and it’s only just begun @earthburnergrind @jeremyxwagner @i_am_not_billy_corgan @metzger_miczek @menaceofficial
“What do ya get when you bring members of @brokenxhope, @sanguisugabogg, @theofficialnapalmdeath and one more secret friend in a room to record some gnarly death/grind with the help of an Emmy winning producer @tommymcwilliams? Big thank you to @jeremyxwagner for not only being such a cool stand up dude and very hospitable and trusting me with his vision! I feel honored to consider him a friend; I can’t wait to unleash EARTHBURNER onto the masses!”